
Breast Cancer Awareness month

My neighbor is training for a breast cancer walk in November. While I wish I had the motivation to do the entire walk with her, I know myself too well. The intentions would be good, but my training would fall short. As the next best thing, I have promised to keep her company on her long training days - 60 pounds in stroller weight/kids included.

In the spirit of giving, I've decided "pink shopping" is dedication as well. With all the sites dedicated to raising money for breast cancer awareness and research, why shop anywhere else this month? There are many items available in colors other than pink, but in the spirit of the cause, I picked my favorite pink products!
Design-her-Gals stationery, dedicated to our favorite woman!
Galoshes (because I've always wanted a pair) from DLL Rainwear
A great jacket for all my neighborly training, from The Breast Cancer Site
And because I seem to be the handy one around here, how about a pink set of tools from Tomboy Tools?

Whenever doing online shopping, try to find a site that gives back. There are a lot of companies that care, not just during breast cancer awareness month, but year round. Uptown Liz is a fabulous site - you can shop by product OR cause. In my mind, you don't have to make excuses for shopping when it's for a cause!

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